Eight surgeries in four years left Kay Casson with terrible scarring, baggy skin around her middle and suffering depression. But after a tummy tuck with Medcare, Kay says she is like a different person…
This is her story…
I had part of my bowel removed and a hysterectomy and needed eight separate operations between 1992 and 1996.
At first my weight dropped dramatically, but then steroids blew me up like a balloon and my weight shot up massively.
I tried to lose the weight but every time I was getting close to recovering from one op, I would be called back in for another and the process would start all over again.
Despite this I did eventually lose the four stone I had put on from the ops – but my tummy still looked awful. I swam, walked, tried everything people suggested, but nothing made a difference. I became disheartened and started to pile the pounds back on.
I hated my tummy so much I would not get undressed in front of my husband and became really self-conscious about what I wore. I am quite tall and always used to stand up straight and dress in nice fitted clothes. But feeling ashamed of my tummy I began wearing only baggy body suits. It made me feel drab and depressed.
This went on for years but things finally came to a head last year when my son got married. I really wanted to find something nice to wear to the wedding but I was terrified of even trying anything on. My husband Pete was going crazy with me.
I wanted to at least lose weight before the wedding, but couldn’t. Afterwards I felt so upset with myself. I did manage to diet and lose two stone, but I knew if I did not do something about my tummy I would not be happy and I would have no motivation to keep the weight off.
That’s when I saw Medcare’s cosmetic surgeon.
She was great. She explained to me straight away that no amount of dieting would make any difference to my tummy as the skin and muscles had been so stretched. She told me the only solution was to have tummy tuck surgery; showed me lots of pictures and I knew I wanted to go ahead immediately.
I was in hospital in Alicante for two nights and the surgeon performed the surgery. Afterwards, even with all the dressings on, I put my hands on my tummy and felt it was gone – it was absolutely wonderful.
I cannot praise the Dr enough. She was excellent, so kind and caring and talked through everything.
I am delighted with the results. But it is not just how it looks. Feeling happy with my tummy again has given me back my confidence.
This really hit home on New Year’s Eve, three months after the surgery. I used to love dancing before all my problems but for years if I went out I would sit in a corner, arms crossed over my middle, trying not to be noticed. But this year on New Year’s Eve I hardly sat down all night and danced practically non-stop. No more shrinking violet for me, I am really confident again and it feels wonderful.