exilis elite treatmentSpring is in the air – which here in Spain means the warm weather is already with us. But are you ready to shed the winter cover-ups and flaunt that flesh?

For most of us the transition from winter to summer clothes takes a little – or perhaps not so little – preparation.

Now’s  the time of year when we will be waxing legs, exfoliating skin and maybe slapping on a little fake tan to take away that winter pastiness.  Or, perhaps we are hitting the gym and living on a diet of lettuce in a desperate attempt to shed the flabby bits before the summer skin exposure.

Well, when it comes to those stubborn fat pockets that diet and exercise just don’t seem to shift, we may just be able to help make things a little easier for you this year.

You know the bits – saddle bag thighs, flabby tummies, bingo wings, bra fat and even fat around the knees.

How can we help? With the award-winning Exilis Elite radiofrequency device, which has been causing quite a stir in our clinics since we introduced it around a year ago.

Exilis uses radiofrequency and ultrasound to heat fat layers to just the right temperature so that fat cells are broken down and liquid fat escapes – to be dispelled by the body’s lymphatic system. Plus, at the same time, Exilis tightens skin. The result – inch loss and smoother firmer skin.

All this is achieved by a completely non-invasive treatment. The radiofrequency is delivered by hand pieces massaged over the problem area by our doctor or nurse. Patients have likened it to having a hot stone massage.

But it definitely does a lot more than a hot stone massage. One of our patients, Anne lost 7.5cm with Exilis Elite.

She told us: “I have always had a problem with belly fat, having had children and a hysterectomy, so was very interested when I heard about Exilis Elite, a treatment that melts fat and improves skin texture.

“There has been a big improvement, with a loss of 7.5cm around my waist. I would recommend the treatment to anyone contemplating having it done.”

And Anne is not alone. We have many patients who have seen waists whittled, tummies or thighs toned and bingo wings reduced and firmed.  This device really does give a solution to problem areas that are impossible to shift through diet and exercise.

You can see more information about how Exilis works here, including some great before and after pictures!

Want to find out more – then come along to us for a free consultation in which we can discuss what Exilis Elite can do for you. Book your free consultation now by calling 966 860 258. If you do, come summer we could all be seeing a little less of you.